And you shall love את Yahuah your Elohiym, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all yourself; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Bet, if you notice from the chart, means “in the house.”, “Seed in the house” or “Inheritance of the house,” hence the use of the word “son.”. This question continues to fascinate. Leading Christian Origins scholar Joan E. Taylor surveys the historical evidence, and the prevalent image of Jesus in art and culture, to suggest an entirely different vision of this most famous of men. WARRIORS! THE 8TH MONTHS OF THE YEAR ON THE CREATOR, YAH’S CALENDAR [HEBREW CALENDAR – CHESHVAN & IYAR] and on ha satan’s a.k.a man-made calendar (Roman Gregorian Calendar – August and October): THE BIBLICAL SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE! …As In Days Of Noach [Matthew 24:37-39] 12th-13th October 2021, THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS…THE TURNING or TRANSFORMATION POINT [Acts 9]! If you would like to read/study my daily posts, you are welcome to follow me on facebook, or visit my personal blog-website if you prefer. Sun-Day Is ha satan’s Weekly Sabbath! * (July 2021), EVANGELISM IN THESE LAST DAYS OF EARTH AS WE KNOW IT (July 2021)…, LADIES/FEMALES (and Gentlemen/Males): Your Appearance in Relation To HOLINESS and Making HEAVEN (July 2021), ELUL 1 – TISHRI 10: 40 DAYS OF FASTING AND PRAYER including SELICHOT (part of TESHUVAH) [August 2021], Pray ‍♂️‍♀️ for and Reach Out To The Vaccinated People Before It Is Too Late (August 2021), ELUL 7: Day of Moshe’s (Moses’) Conception in Yocheved’s Womb [, PART 3B: SIMPLICITY IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE – CHILD-BEARING, CONTRACEPTIONS, USE OF IVF, MANAGING FAMILY LIFE, GLOBAL WARMING – YAH’S VIEWPOINT! Religious art of the middle ages (sorry, don’t know what else to call it) depicts Moses with horns! YAH says it is one minute to midnight as seen in the image below: YOUR PASSOVER IS WHERE YOUR FAITH IS! I thank you Yahusha for bringing me, my perfect match, I am bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. ISRAEL I Love you, ISRAEL I rebuke you (AMW Prophecy 132), The PROPHETIC SPIRITUAL IMPLICATIONS: The 2017 Reinstatement of “Jerusalem” as the undivided Israeli Capital …, 3 Blood Moons seen in Israel (2015): SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE? The Temple of Yahusha believes in preaching and teaching the apostle‟s doctrine. “Palm Branches/LULAV” (“YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Triumphal Entry”): Why use “Palm Branches” and not other tree branches? Baruk atah Yahuah Tseva’oth, bara ha’shamayim v’ha’arets, Elohaykem shel Avraham, Yitschaq, v’Ya`aqov, Elohaynu v’ al qadosh echad Yashar’el, Elohai, v’yishei, asher natan lanu ha’Ruach Shalom. Yahusha Ha Mashiach warned his disciples to prepare for persecution. Leading people to the Messiah — Yahusha HaMashiach. Help me YAHUSHUA to remember All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of YAHUVEH, and you came to save US sinners, that’s why you are called our SAVIOUR. The prophet speaks of himself, but the true meaning of the arrow-hidden, the Person who spoke with a two-edged sword, is found in Mashiach. Ruach Ah Qudsh - The Feminine aspect of Yahuah's Spirit, her Name is the Ruach Ah Qudsh, means the Spirit that Separates or Sets you Apart. THE DRAWING AND/OR FETCHING OF WATER and THE CREATOR, YAH’S SABBATH [Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Leviticus 23:1-4; Numbers 15:32-36; Deuteronomy 5:12-15], Is It Acceptable? Who is right? These are also called flame letters. Prophecy: LADIES (Women & Girls),GET RID OF Satan’s & Jezebel’s property BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE (if you really desire to be with YAH SHADDAI in the Heavens for eternity)!!! This system arose during the Middle Ages (if you believe the historical record we have been given), somewhere around 1500 AD.

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